Research and Services :
  Market Research, Surveys, Competitor Analyses

Our models, analysis techniques and market research constitute an invaluable resource enabling you to adopt an optimal position in relation to your competitors and to meet your customers’ expectations in the best possible manner.

We can help you to analyse your growth potential (geographical extension, market penetration, vertical growth, related diversification …) and to determine the best strategic decisions and the operational marketing plans that you should implement in order to achieve your objectives.
Address Files, Mailing and E-mailing Management …

To enable you to reach your prospective customers in a targeted and efficient manner, we can place at your disposal postal and/or e-mail address files containing more than 200,000 Belgian companies and more than 1.5 million European companies (selection by geographical criteria, by turnover, by branch of industry …).

In “Business to Consumer”, we can also help you reach your target audience with precision and efficiency (selection by age, sex, centre of interest, household structure, and social category).